"..G-d Decided... Cannot Exist Without You" (Male) SALE | Art With Neshama
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"The day you were born is the day G-d decided the universe cannot exist without you." Touching quote by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.


Available in a selection of designs and sizes.

*Discount is for these specific designs, materials & sizes.


Medium Square Slate Stone - 20x20cm

Weight 850g

Stands included. Hanging option available on request.


Small Square Slate Stone - 15x15cm

Weight 450g

Stands included.


Medium Wood Block 15x15x3cm

Weight 500g


Please note that personalised products cannot be returned or refunded.


"..G-d Decided... Cannot Exist Without You" (Male) SALE

מחירהחל מ- 70.00 ₪

    מוצרים דומים

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